Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Laminate Floors Have Finally Been Chosen!

After weeks and weeks of agonizing and analyzing and debating and stressing and literally dreaming about it...I finally chose and ordered the laminate flooring for our new house.  I had no idea it would be such a nerve wracking experience!

I knew in my head what I was looking for, something warm and rustic to bring that old farmhouse feel.  I knew I definitely did NOT want something orange-y or 80's honey oak colored.  I wanted something that was brown/tan, not orangeish or reddish.  I also knew I definitely did NOT want anything shiny and smooth.  I wanted texture and rusticness and something that looked realistic.  Basically I wanted hardwood, but at a laminate price.  : )  Let me tell ya, this is not that easy to find apparently.  At least it wasn't for me, because I tend to be v.e.r.y. picky.  Plus, our bank account made some immediate decisions for me on ones that were lovely but just too expensive.

You might remember this picture I shared a few weeks ago asking for everyone's opinions.

There was a big variety of opinions and each option had lots of people who loved it, though I think #4 probably took the lead.  We ordered samples of these, but when they came they weren't what I was looking for.  They had that waviness to them that some of the handscraped style laminates do, and that is something else I don't care for.  Not really sure why that is, I just don't.

So...those were out.

Then I shared this picture with my Facebook followers.  It was of 3 options we found at Home Depot.

Again, a wide variety of opinions were shared, some even said they didn't like any of them, lol!

Ultimately I decided the one on the far left, though beautiful and rustic, was just going to be too dark.  The rooms where this will be laid don't get very much direct sunlight and I was afraid it would end up being too dark and suck the light right out of the room.  Plus, everyone's comments that dark floors show every bit of dust and dirt kind of worried me.  I don't like cleaning very much.  For realz.

I also decided the one on the right had too much orange in it for my liking.  So, I thought the middle one was looking like my only option, but even though I liked it I just wasn't completely sold on it.

Meanwhile, a friend of mine that I went to high school with posted a picture on her Facebook page of her kids playing on the floor in her house.  Her kids are adorably cute, BUT...you guessed it...I noticed her floors.  They were gorgeous!  I immediately shot off a nosy message asking her what kind they were and what color.  She told me the color (Historic Oak Charcoal) and said that they love their floors.  They're beautiful and easy to clean and hardly show any dirt at all.  Ummm...sold!  I immediately started Googling.  I found it and promptly fell in love.  But what I also found was that it was way out of our price range.  (They had gotten a great deal on theirs since they knew the owner of the flooring store in their town.)

I finally decided that I would just have to come to terms with the fact that I might not find the perfect one in our price range, and that I would just have to settle for something and learn to like it.  I even prayed about.  I told the Lord, "I know that this is such a tiny inconsequential thing in the grand scheme of things going on in this world, but this decision is pretty important to me right now so I'm asking that you'll please just help me to choose the right flooring that I can be happy with."

So...I continued the search.  I visited a couple of local stores right here in our small town, but nothing was jumping out at me.  I knew there was a flooring store about 40 minutes away, and they just so happened to carry my dream floors.  I decided, "I've got nothing to lose, I'll just call them and see what kind of price they have on those floors.  Never hurts to ask."  Surprisingly, their price was not nearly as high as the other place I had checked!  I began to feel a spark of hope.  It was still more than we could afford, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I had originally thought.  I remembered seeing this flooring on one of those discount flooring websites and decided to give them a call and do a price comparison.  (All of this was while sitting in a CVS parking lot while my kids climbed like little monkeys all over the seats in the back of the van.)  Turns out, they were having a Cyber Monday sale and their price was even lower, like ''we could afford that" lower.  Woowhee!  My heart was pounding!  At this point I had only seen pictures of it, but had not looked at any samples in person.  So we took off and drove the 40 minutes to the smaller store so that I could look at it in person and make sure that's really what I wanted before I placed any order.

And it was gorgeous, exactly what I had been looking for all along, and I fell in love all over again.

The people at The Floor Store were so nice and extremely helpful and knowledgeable.  I told them about the sale from the discount flooring site, but said that I would much rather support a local small business than a huge online store and asked if they could do any better on their price.  Not only did they do better, they actually beat the online store's sale price!!  I could not believe it!  I was so extremely happy and excited!  I was amazed at the thought that God cares about the little things, and that He cares enough about lil' ol' me to not only answer my prayer but to give me the desire of my heart.  He is amazingly awesome!

So, if you've made it this far then I'm sure you're dying to know what I ended up choosing, right?
Well, without further ado, here it is. (This cell phone picture doesn't do it justice!)

It's called Historic Oak Timber, and it's from the Restoration Collection made by Mannington (100% American made I might add!)

It is the perfect shade of brown I was looking for, no orange undertones there!  It's rustic and it has texture and beveled edges, and and and.....I just love it!  I cannot wait until it comes in and we can get it laid.  It will go a long way in making a doublewide feel like an old farmhouse.

Not only am I excited about it, I'm also glad to have this decision behind me so that I can quit stressing over it and move on to other things to stress about.  : )


I've received several questions from readers wondering how we ended up liking the Mannington floors so I decided to add an update.  After 2 years of having these, with 3 young kids, a dog, and an indoor/outdoor cat, I can honestly say that we still LOVE them!!  They've held up really well, we've had no major issues with them, and they almost always look clean!  They hide dirt so well.  The only minor issue we've had is that if something sharp or extra heavy has been dropped on them we've gotten the occasional small chip in the surface.  I don't think they're a big deal though.  I just simply color in the chipped area with a brown Sharpie marker and it blends right in with the worn character of the laminate.  The beveled edges do tend to catch crumbs, but it's nothing a quick vacuum can't handle.  I would definitely recommend these floors if you're considering them.  In fact, I hope to get them installed in our living room and piano room someday soon!


  1. Whew!! I'm tired, but what an amazing shopping trip. I'm loving this, Steph, every step of the way!!!

    1. On installation day, a team of bonded, insured and experienced hardwood flooring installers will arrive at your home with all the equipment and materials they need. They will do a professional job and will be courteous and respectful of you and your home. hardwood floor installation Richmond Hill

  2. What gorgeous floors they will make!

  3. Yes, I can see why this was THE choice! Love it! Can't wait to see it all installed. :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I love it great choice!!!

  6. Beautiful! We had Shaw laminate put in last year in our living room....love it! So great in an active household. Can't wait to see yours once it's in! Jane

  7. Yea for you, and answered prayers! You mentioned your house is a double-wide...have you seen this lady's blog about her transforming her mobile home into a "farmhouse" look also?...amazing things she has done. Here is her link: http://magazineyourhome.blogspot.com/2013/06/summer-tour-of-homes-my-cottage.html

  8. Yay! It is beautiful! God is so good to us, isn't He? I am so happy for you!

  9. Yay! It is beautiful! God is so good to us, isn't He? I am so happy for you!

  10. I love, love, love your choice. There is a day that I would've thought it silly to worry so much about something like flooring (sorry Stephanie) but THEN we built a house and I worried about every single decision I made. And I mean EVERY. SINGLE. DECISION. Like really worried. And stewed. And cried. And fretted. And yes, prayed. So I understand exactly where you were with the floor dilemma! And I'm so glad you got an answer!!! I can't wait to see pictures of it installed! (How are you loving your new place by the way?) ~ Dori ~

  11. These are great choices...love love them!!
    Blessings, Loretta XX

  12. Sorry Steph I signed out wrong it should be this one

  13. Hi there,
    Yep, He does care allllllllllll about you!!!! and He loves you THAT much!
    Things look as if they are progressing well...I can't wait to see it all come together!

  14. I LOVE IT!!!!!!......i think it us perfect

  15. Wow!! You are choosing best laminate flooring and it will give a fantastic look to the house. I will wait for your next blog post in which you will show how it appears together. Thanks for sharing experience with it.

  16. Laminate is always durable flooring option. Nice post!

  17. I appreciate you sharing this info! I've been helping my parents find a service that does laminate flooring, and this helped a ton. I'm grateful for services like this that help people find what they are looking for.


  18. I think that is a great choice. Those floors will look wonderful. I have been thinking about putting in some laminate flooring in my house. I think it's easy to install and it looks great.

  19. Laminate flooring is a material that is manufactured to look like wood flooring. This variety of floor covering has several positive aspects that other woods simply cannot offer you with.

  20. Great choice! This Historic Oak Timber is the perfect option, as its woodiness looks more natural and vintage, which will complement the house better than those shiny laminated floors. I’d definitely love to see how this floor went along with the rest of the farmhouse. Have a nice day!

    Den Collier @ Laminate Restoration UK

  21. We are going through the same process that you did, for our kitchen. However, in your picutre with the 3 samples, we very much like the middle one. Do you remember where this one was from?

  22. Do you remember what the name of the middle Home Depot one is?

  23. My husband and I have been wanting to redo our floors for a while now, but we weren't able to afford the one that we wanted. I think that laminate would be a great alternative because I can't even tell a difference between the two. I can't wait to get our floors replaced and see how they turn out. Do you have any advice on how to take care of laminate floors? http://www.carpetsplusca.com/laminates/

    1. I don't really do anything too special to ours. Sweep a few times a week, vacuum them once a week to get crumbs and dirts out of the beveled grooves, and then when I mop I just make sure I wring the mop out really well so the water isn't slopping all over the floor and I turn the ceiling fans on high to help them dry quickly. That's about it!

  24. Do you remember the name of the company that had the Historic Oak Charcoal floors? I'm on the search for floors myself. Love this post!

  25. Nice post! It was really interesting. The information which you provide is really informative and helpful to home owners. I like this blog very much. Definitely I will share this blog to my friends. Thanks...

  26. Hi - I found this post when searching for reviews of the Mannington laminate flooring. I've been browsing the blog and enjoying it quite a bit! Excellent posts. I saw your installation post and it looks great, but I thought I'd comment here with some questions.

    Now that you've had the floor in for almost 2 years, how has it held up? Any unexpected dings/scratches or deficiencies such as peeling or chipping of the surface?

    Has it handled spills okay without swelling?

    I'm looking at the restoration collection as well in a different color ("Peppercorn"), so the more you could share about your experiences, the better. It would be very valuable to hear an update!

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  28. Great. Glad you found what you were looking for. Looks beautiful.
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  46. Hi Stephanie, its always great to read posts from those who have gone through what you are currently considering! I love your rustic choices, you have much the same tastes as me! There are so many great laminate flooring products to choose from these days at such affordable prices as shown here at O'Brien laminate floors' online catalogue (who are based in Melbourne, Australia for anybody nearby). I have decided to go for rustic laminate in my art studio, where for the rest of my apartment, I decided on solid timber. Just contemplating the final selections which I am confident are going to compliment one and other. :-)

  47. So glad I found this post! This is the exact same floor that I had tentatively selected for our lake house. It's great to know that it has held up well over time. I feel much better now about proceeding with that purchase!

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