I don't know about where you live, but here in northern Florida spring is basically gone and done with. We've moved right into hot and humid summer-like weather. I'm sure most bloggers that are better at keeping up with things than I am are already posting red, white, and blue Memorial Day and/or 4th of July table scape ideas. I realize I'm quite behind the times posting a spring table setting this late in the game, but if you've been around these here parts long enough then you'll know that's just how I roll. I feel no obligation to the blogging world's schedule and I'll get to it when I get to it. :D
The blue and white buffalo checked vintage tablecloth was a yard sale find a couple of years ago. You can tell it had lots of use by the softness and perfectly worn texture it has. It even has a place where a hole was lovingly stitched up.
The placemats were a recent purchase at a local 2nd hand shop for $1 each, and the canning jars have been collected here and there and we use them everyday to drink from.

The silverware has been collected piece by piece at different yard sales and thrift stores. None of it matches and I love it.

The white basket weave plates were a church rummage sale find, and the little vintage dessert plates are from a local thrift store. I love that each one has a different pattern and color, and some have smooth edges while others have scalloped edges. We use both style of plates just about every day.
These sweet little lanterns were a thrift store find for $2 each. I think they were originally from Target.
The pitcher is also a thrift store purchase, and the fresh hydrangea blooms were cut from the yard.
I just love the combination of the checkered and the floral patterns.
I thought it all blended well for a cheery mix-n-match combination. Simple, everything secondhand, everything cheap....just my style. :D
In other news, I'm hoping to be able to get the kids' bathroom completed someday before I'm old and feeble. I've had the sink/vanity and tiles waiting for weeks now, but Hubs has been so busy on the weekends with his side work that we haven't been able to get to it yet. Someday.....I keep telling myself....someday.
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