
Friday, May 16, 2014

Junkified Gallery Wall

Hey, whaddaya know! 
 I'm finally blogging about something to do with decorating again!  Can you even believe it?  I feel like it's been forever since I've done any sort of decor post.

So last week on the Facebook group I shared that I was dusting off the right side of my brain and trying to get it into creative mode again because I was working on a little project.  I shared a sneak peak picture that showed the corner of a rusty license plate as well as the corner of a picture frame. 
 Did anyone have any ideas of what it might be?  

Well, if the title of this post didn't already clue you in, it was a gallery wall...a junkified one at that! 

Here's a quick reminder of what this wall looked like before.

On the left is the depressing orange color it was when we moved in, and on the right it's freshened up look after I finally got it painted.  And now we have some things up on the walls!  
Yay me!  And it only took me 5 months to accomplish this.  :D

It's just a hodge podge of a bunch of frames and pictures we already had.  I didn't bother to buy all matching frames or paint them in any certain color scheme.  I already had them, they had pictures in them, I put them on the wall, and ¡Voila!...a gallery wall.  

I played around with different bits of "junk" I had in my "collection" until I came up with a look I liked.  I had it all spread out on the floor for a few days while I tweaked it.  I was hoping if Hubby tripped over it enough times it would inspire him and his logical left brain to help me with it and do all of the boring stuff like measuring and leveling, and I could do the fun stuff like stand back and shout orders.  But it was not to be.  He just had too much going on that week, so I tackled it all by my lonesome.  

  The rocking chair has my hundred year old penny square quilt on it now, as well as a little flour sack pillow I found at a thrift store.  Wire baskets in the black cabinet hold our Bibles in one and TV and Wii remotes in the other, and a stack of decorating books brings a bright spot of color to this dark piece of furniture (that I'm still hoping to replace someday).

The right side of the cabinet has an old Royal typewriter displayed.  It was another yard sale find.  It still has some ink left in the ribbon and my kids love to put scrap paper in it and plunk away.

Not everyone will love the tennis racket or even understand why I included it in the mix, I know Hubby certainly doesn't.  He thinks I'm weird.  But it's quirky and unexpected and I like it!  So that's all that matters.  :)  It's vintage, it's wooden, it has red on it, and it was only $3 at the thrift store.  What more can a girl ask for?  

My old rusty license plates make another appearance.  If you've been around for awhile you might remember seeing them on my Christmas porch 2 years ago.  There's actually a third plate somewhere else in the room that I'll be sharing a little later on.

An old folding ruler shaped into a star adds another spot of repurposed "junk" to my gallery wall.  This same idea also made an appearance on a Christmas porch 3 years ago in my basket "wreath."

And did you spot the last bit of junk that's tucked in between two pictures?

If you follow me on Facebook then you might remember this picture from a month or so ago.  It was like Christmas morning for me when my father-in-law gave me some old pulleys that belonged to his father, and an old weather vane he found when tearing down a house.

I tucked one of the directional arms of the weather vane in between two pictures.  It's simply resting on the flat top of the frame below it.  It works out nicely because that wall is an east and west wall so the directions are correct.  This makes the small part of me that is OCD very happy.  : )

Doesn't it have a lovely patina?

I used another part of the weather vane in this little arrangement beside the TV. 
 Can you see it?

Yep, there it is!  The ball part of the vane is sitting atop the books and I tucked some faux ivy down into the hole on the top of it.  I liked that it had a lovely red color going on as it fits in nicely with some other summer decorating I'm doing around the living room.  

And there ya have it, that's my version of a gallery wall. 
 It's so nice to finally have something to look at other than paint.

So what's your opinion?  
Am I completely nuts for hanging a tennis racket on the wall?  
Is the whole thing too random for your taste, or are you like me and 
enjoy the unexpected quirkiness of it all?

Let me know what you think!


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  1. It looks really great, Stephanie! So creative ~ love how you mixed in the vintage items with your wonderful family photos, especially the weather vane piece. BTW ~ I totally 'get' the tennis racket too!

  2. COMPLETELY nuts? Why, no! I wouldn't say that. :)

    This turned out so very nice.
    I've coveted the weather vane ever since you showed me a picture of it.
    That is a rare item to have. I really like what you did to display a couple parts from it. I happen to have some North/South walls in my house should you ever decide to not use the rest of the vane.
    Jus' sayin'. :-)

  3. I so missed your decor posts! Your wall came out great. Nope, not nuts at all!

    Have a blessed weekend...

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!.....good job!!!!

  5. Love your gallery looks great.!! I've been wanting to do this in our upstairs hallway. Thanks for the inspiration.

  6. Love it, racket and all. You are inspiring me to get busy on my painted but empty walls. Wish you lived close by, I would be picking your brain (whatever side is available) lol.

  7. Looks really good - every piece - & also your media console stuff! I think 5 months' time is excellent, considering all the other work you have had to do in your house.

  8. NOPE! Definitely NOT nuts! I have a tennis racket on my wall too. I saw it on Freecycle one day, and as my hubby loves to play tennis when he has time, I thought it wasn't too far a leap to hang one on the wall. LOVE the whole look of your gallery, and the icing on the cake of that weather vane - what a great find.

    Have a great weekend

    Judi in the UK

  9. I think its great! It goes with the color scheme of the license plates. Weather vane parts are the bomb! I love to collect but have a hard time with paring down the display until its more visually pleasing so my mantel becomes a cluttered hodgepodge according to some..its quite long so I feel it needs to be mostly full to take attention away from the plain jane back fireplace insert that I detest..You have great ideas and apparently better thrift stores..our Goodwill and Salvation Army thrift stores were wiped out in the tornado three years ago...when they finally reopened, the prices are like 2-3 times higher than they were!

  10. Well, how cute is THAT!!!! You did a great job, and I love the tennis racket. I'm not sure how gracefully I am accepting the "Vintage Tennis racket" part....I had one very much like that one when I played tennis MANY years ago...nah....I'm not vintage......
    I'm just flat old!!!!
    Good goin' girl!

  11. You've inspired me to go ahead with my own gallery wall! I love it! I have some pictures I want to include, but I also have some random junk I'd like to throw into the mix. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Can you please come and help me in my house? I've got a few walls that I STILL can't figure out what to do with. I really need help! - Dori -

  13. Your gallery wall is so unique! Interior design is all about expressing personality, and these creative details add amazing charm.


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