
Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me (You)!

Guess what?!?  This is gonna be a good week for one of you readers.  Not only is it the week of Thanksgiving, a day when we get to spend extra time with our families and eat to our heart's content, and not only is Black Friday coming up when great deals are to be found, BUT....Friday is also my birthday!!  

Yep, on Black Friday I'll be turning 32! 
32 on the 23rd.

So...I've decided that I want to celebrate said birthday by giving a present to one of you.

A $25 Etsy gift card!

It's high time for a giveaway, seeing as we've surpassed 200 "likes" on the Facebook page, and I'm now past the 250 GFC followers mark (I can hardly even believe that!).  So my birthday makes an excellent time to share the gift giving fun.

This one is going to be super simple.  Leave me one comment on this post and you'll be entered (followers or Facebook fans only please).  That's it.  No extra comments for sharing and such.  One comment, simple and concise.

This giveaway will be open from now until my birthday on Friday.  Maybe it would be fun to make the official closing time my birth time.  I'll have to ask my mom what it is though, lol!  All my life I thought I knew what it was, but then a year or so ago I mentioned something about it in her presence and she said, "No, that's not what time it was."  Wow!  Way to turn my world upside down.  But now I can't remember what time she did say.  But then again, she very well could be wrong seeing as the date listed on my birth certificate was November 24th until I was about 10 years old.  I'm the one who discovered the mistake and my parents had to have it changed.  So, my life won't be complete until I find out the truth!  : ) 

So, for now we'll just say it closes at some point on Friday.  I'll use the random number generator to pick a winner and announce it right away.  I can email it immediately and you might even be able to use it to score some even greater Black Friday deals!

"Happy Birthday to me (you)!  
Happy Birthday to me (you!)  
Happy Birthday dear Stephanie (Readers)!
  Happy Birthday to me (you)!"



  1. Happy birthday to you!!!!.....hope its a good week


  3. Would love to win your giveaway!!! Love following your blog!!! Happy Birthday!! :-)

  4. Happy almost birthday to you! I love reading your posts and seeing how crafty you are! What an inspiration! :-)

    Kristy Thomason

  5. Happy Black Friday Birthday!!Hope its a inspirational day for you!! :)

    LeAnn Weaver

  6. :) Nice surprise! And a great way to support the small businesses! Here's hoping you have a great week and a fun birthday on Friday.

  7. Happy happy birthday AND Happy Thanksgiving! :)

  8. What a great way to celebrate your birthday!

  9. Happy Birthday! And yes, it is imperative that you know the time. Ryan reminded me that I have to be home at 4:05 this afternoon. He loves to give me a hug at the exact time of his birth. Sappy, but I'll take it! :-)

  10. Happy birthday! If you would have kept your "original" birth date of November 24th, you would have shared it with me! Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving and birthday!

  11. Thank you for sharing your birthday! May it be rich with blessings. _ jean

  12. Pick Me! (I'll tell you Happy Birthday later:))

  13. Happy Birthday to you, on Friday!

  14. Okay, close your eyes and rock your head gently as I sing to you ... "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear ... awe heck, you know the rest and I bet you finish singing this to yourself. :) Enjoy your special day!
    'hugs from afar'

  15. Happy Birthday, friend! and many more :)

  16. Happy birthday. Found your blog about a month ago and enjoyed reading back through.

  17. Hope you have a happy birthday, and congrats on the number of followers. It would really be nice to win because I just lost my job.Thanks for the chance to win.

    Rita at

  18. Happy Birthday!
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    I enjoy reading your blog. When you show the "treasures" you've found, it's as if I've been out "searching," too.

  19. Happy Birthday! Our family has a lot of Nov. birthdays and we are adding another one soon.

  20. ThAnKs!! for sharing your birthday with you followers. A nice treat for us all.

  21. Happy Birthday! I like interesting numbers, too. Hope you have a super great day!

  22. Happy Birthday! I love your blog.

  23. Happy Birthday!!!! I hope it is fantabulous!!!!

  24. Happy Black Friday birthday!

  25. I enjoy reading your blog since I stumbled upon it a while ago. While you miss your past home in Florida, I'm missing my past home in Ohio!

  26. Happy Birthday. I enjoy following you via my google reader. Thanks.

  27. Happy Birthday...I so enjoy your blog and decorating ideas!

  28. Happy birthday to you for the 23rd! It was my 58 th birthday on the 22nd of November here on Australua!

  29. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Love your blog! Doing a great job!!

  30. Happy Birthday!!!! I love all the great deals you get on such cool stuff....I wish I could find such great things here on Long Island ;) Thanks for the give- away!!!!


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I love hearing from you!