
Friday, November 16, 2012

Fun Friday Finds #15

Hi everyone, and welcome back to Fun Friday Finds!  It's been awhile, huh?  For any of you new-comers who've joined us in the past few weeks, Fun Friday Finds was a weekly post I did almost every week over Spring/Summer/early Fall where I shared all my yard sale and thrift store finds for the week. But as Summer came to an end, so did all the great yard sales and it's been several weeks since my last Fun Friday post.

But I have found a few things here and there and then the other day I found 3 things at one thrift store stop and I decided it was high time to share them all.

These Skotch Ice cans were one of the three things I found at that one stop.  They're cans of liquid that you can freeze and use in coolers instead of regular ice.  I paid 9.99 for them.  That's way more than I usually pay for just one thing, but this was one of those "gut" purchases.  I had never seen anything like them before and they struck my fancy.  I did a quick research check on my phone to make sure I could at least make my money back before making that big of an investment.  I think they'll be a fun addition to my Etsy shop.

These vintage Christmas books were another find that same day.  I adore the look of them.  I had been searching through all of the kids books looking for Christmas books for my kiddos and came across them in the mix.  The coloring book is from 1975 and has never been colored in and all the pages are still intact!  I paid 1.09 for both.

This awesome box was my 3rd find that day at 2.99.  It was tucked behind some Christmas decor and I almost gasped when I saw that "39" on it!  Gorgeous I tell ya!

It'll be going up for sale in the shop most likely.

A few weeks ago, Hubby, the kiddos, and I made a spur of the moment Saturday road trip and on our jaunt we came across an old place called "The Treasure Barn" and I forced sweetly asked Hubby if we could stop in.  I found this huge glass cloche for $10.  It'll be going up for sale.

This school house light was an exciting find.  I got it at the Habitat ReStore for $5!!  Other than needing to be rewired it was in almost perfect condition!  It sold within a week of being listed in the shop.

This little Porta-file was a Goodwill find for 1.99.  It has the key and even still has the monthly divider cards in it.

A gallon sized bag full of vintage wooden beaded Christmas garland.  Local flea market for $3.  Keeping those...for now at least.

And finally, this cute little vintage desk lamp also from Goodwill and I think I paid 2.99 if I remember right.  I loved the style of it, but not the color.  I didn't think the drabby tan would be a good seller.

So I taped it off real good and gave it several coats of spray paint.

Ahhh....SO much better, don't ya think?  You know I love me some red!  It's so cute I'm tempted to just keep it, far I haven't thought of a place to use it so I guess I can't hang on to it.

Well, there ya have it.  Those have been my treasures over the past few weeks.  You can bet your boots I'll still be shopping the thrift stores regularly and when I get enough new "junk" collected I'll share them in another Friday post.  

Until next time, I hope you all are having a blessed week!

(If you're new and would like to see my other fun finds, just scroll up to my topic list there on the right side of the screen and click on "Fun Friday Finds.)


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  1. Ohhhh! That wooden box! I'm a sucker for wooden boxes and crates! Love it!

  2. What wonderful things you found out and about! I love the box, and I have the exact same little lamp--I want to repaint mine now that I've seen what you did :)


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