
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

As Surely as the Sun Rises

 I stepped outside this morning to shut off the pump that controls the water to our garden and discovered that our backyard was bathed in beautiful morning sun rays.

I just had to grab my camera and try to capture the beautiful gift God had given me to enjoy. 

It made me think of the verse in Hosea that says, "Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him.  As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth." (Hosea 6:3, NIV)

I just wanted to share a bit of His beauty with you too.

After I captured the sunlight pictures, I turned the other way and got a quick shot of our garden.  
Since that has had a lot of my focus here lately I'll be sharing a garden update post a little later in the week.

I hope you have a wonderfully blessed day!



  1. Gorgeous pictures! Thanks for sharing them!

  2. Beautiful pictures!!!!!....

  3. Beautiful. You did a great job of capturing the beauty of it. Thanks for sharing with us. Love the verse that you put with it.

  4. Beautiful photos! God is the best artist. :)

  5. Beautiful!! Your backyard looks like a park.

  6. Wow! I like to call those 'God Rays'…. just wonderful!! And what a gorgeous back yard!!

  7. Well Sweetie Pie, you just made MY day!!! What beautiful pictures and testimony!!
    It always makes my heart swell when a young person echoes my own thoughts!!
    Blessings to you,

  8. There's no end to your talents ... beautiful photography and it looks like your garden is doing well.

  9. Thank you for your sweet comments everyone! We have been so enjoying our yard and the property around our new home, and I was so thankful that I was able to capture the sunlight half way decent. :)

  10. I LOVE these pictures of your yard. What a beautiful place. - Dori -


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