
Friday, March 14, 2014

Fun Friday Finds #19

 Can you believe that it's been close to an entire year since I've done a Fun Friday Finds post?!?  Well it has.  I looked back and last May was the last one.  But never fear my junk lovin' friends, my yard sale-ing adventures will begin again!  Now that we're settled into our new home I'm ready to get my Etsy shop up and running again which means I'll need some new inventory.  Yay for an excuse to go shopping!  Am I right?  :D

So here's a few things I've found in the past week or so, and one big find that is actually from months and months ago, but I've never shared it.  

This first one is a cute little train case that I found at a yard sale this week.  The kids and I were headed home from story time at the library on Thursday when I spied the yard sale sign and whipped that van around, much to the aggravation of my kids.  (Aggravating them is so much fun!)  We followed the signs and ended up at a storage unit that was being cleaned out.  They weren't really all, but went ahead and let us adventurous type dig through the boxes.  The train case cost me all of 50 cents.

I also found this big ol' enamelware pot.  I searched and searched for the lid, but never could find it.  It also cost me .50.

Next up is this silver plate on copper vintage serving pitcher.  It's not really my style, but I've been seeing similar items popping up all over blogland recently so I thought it might sell well in the shop.  It was also a whoppin' .50.

This great set of retro canisters came from my new favorite thrift store.  I've been wanting to stop in this place every time I pass by it, but never had the chance until last week.  They had some great stuff there for really decent prices.  I will definitely be going back.  These canisters, which are in basically perfect condition, cost me $12.  They'll be going in the shop.

I also found this old flag at the same store.  It was flown over the Capitol in 1981 at the request of an Alabama congressman.  I have no idea of its resale value, I just thought it was unique and might be a good eBay sale.  I like to sell unique things just to say I've sold it, ya know?  

 Now this last one is actually a find from last November.  You've probably seen parts of it in some of the pictures I've shared on Facebook, but I've never shared the entire thing or the story behind it.

For a long time now I've wanted to own a set of antique theater seating.  I don't really know why exactly, I just think they're really neat.  It was rare that I ever came across any for sale and when I did they were SO expensive there was no way I could ever afford it.  But on this particular day, my birthday to be exact, the kids and I were on our way over to what is now our new house to do some work.  On the way we stopped at a couple of yard sales.  

At this sale, the old guy had some really neat and unique things for sale, but the seats totally captured my attention.  He had 3 sections of them.  I held my breath as I asked him the price and when he said, "Awww...if  you'll take them all I'll let ya have 'em for 40 bucks," I almost passed out.  I could NOT believe he was selling them so cheap.  I knew my husband would not be happy with me (and that's an understatement) if I came dragging home 3 sections of theater seating, so I asked him what his price would be on just this section.  He said $15 and even though that was a beyond awesome price, I was still torn as to whether or not I should actually get them.  I mean really, what would I do with them?  Where would I put them?  Would Hubby threaten to cut off my yard sale-ing days?  So I offered him less.  This is usually my "sign" when I can't decide on something.  If they'll take less, then it's meant to be mine.  If not, then I walk away.  So I offered him $10 and he accepted! was meant to be!

The funny ending to this story is how when I went back the next day to pick the seats up he answered the door in a shockingly skimpy state of disarrayed dress with his badly dyed red hair sticking up everywhere (at 2:00 in the afternoon), and how the sight of his wrinkly pale thighs and parts of his fuzzy chest totally threw me off my game and made me forget that I was supposed to ask him if he knew where the seats came from.  

So, if anyone ever asks me if I know the history behind them I'll have to say no, all the while the mental image of an old man in a barely-there bathrobe will be coming to mind and I'll be trying not to giggle...again.


* Don't forget about the new Facebook Group we've started! *


  1. I love the enamel pot....and the story of the funny!!...

  2. I love the flag, and usually if a Congressmen or Senator has requested the flag be flown over the capital, it is usually as a retirement/thank you gift for a federal employee!

  3. The church I grew up in....had theater seats....very much like yours. Hope you are enjoying them!

  4. You got some awesome buys here Stephanie. That train case and enamel pot fabulous.

  5. What size is your enamel pot? I may have a lid to fit. Seems I have lids and no pots.

  6. Your story is much better than anything he could have told you, I am laughing with you :^)
    Great finds!!

  7. Stephanie - When I read this post back in March I laughed so hard about the theatre seats. Tonight I laughed all over again in re-reading this!!!!! Hilarious! - Dori - (Incidentally, where have you put them? Are they in your house? I love them.)


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