
Friday, February 15, 2013

Quick & Simple Valentine's Table

Ok, let me just say up front that this post does not contain my best photography skills.  It's a combo of phone pictures and camera pictures, but even the camera pictures are lacking.  My family was starving and ready for their breakfast and I was just trying to snap a few pictures really fast and didn't even look to see how they were turning out.  

It's nothing spectacular, just something simple I threw together the night before to help make the day special for my kiddos.  

I had bought cute plates and sparkly red "silverware" at Walmart.  I layered a red gingham tablecloth folded in half over top of a .97 white plastic tablecloth.  On top of that I layered a "grain sack" towel, and a very simple centerpiece.  Hubs doesn't really care about this kind of thing, and the kids are 5 and 2 so I didn't worry about anything too fancy.  I hung up my cup cake sign, and my five year old helped me make the paper chain.

I added in some fun shiny confetti on the corners of the table.

The centerpiece was the rose my husband brought home for my daughter.  She felt so special.  I put it in a cute apple butter jar I picked up at the ReStore the other day for .50.

The table was set for a family breakfast since my hubby didn't have school that morning, but did have to go into work later in the day.  I made a big platter of heart shaped pancakes and Hubs made scrambled eggs and bacon to go with it.

All in all it cost me about $5, but the excitement on the kids faces at seeing something special and out of the ordinary was priceless.  You don't have to do anything expensive or have perfectly arranged vignettes of vintage decor to make for a special and memorable occasion.  Even cheapy Walmart stuff can make your family smile.



  1. Love how farmhousy it feels. Great table:)

  2. What a pretty Valentine's table and your kids will remember it forever!!


  3. A really beautiful tablescape.

  4. Thank you so much everyone! I enjoy making things special for my kiddos. : )


  5. Nice Blog. Thanks for sharing with us. Such amazing information.


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