
Friday, July 29, 2011

I'll Be Back

Ok, so for any of you who might actually follow my blog for reals (as in, you check in every once in awhile to see what's new) I promise I'll be back soon with some new posts.  I've been quite busy the past couple of weeks helping our church prepare for their VBS, and then helping during the VBS.  Once that was over, we had a lovely little storm roll through and the lightning knocked out our internet for a few days.  Now my kids and I all have congested colds.  SO........hopefully by next week I'll be able to have something new for you. 



I have a whole lotta this coming up in the near future!


  1. Can't wait! :) I have a project completed that I can't wait to post about BUT my camera is lost and I haven't found a good enough deal on a new one yet. So, my project awaits unveiling. :) I do follow your blog so I'll be watching to see what you're creating. ~Rachel

  2. Bring on the pink - I'll keep checking back :)


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