
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Yard Sale Fun

Are you like me?  Does the site of this vintage/retro style typography make your heart go pitter patter?  And does the sight of it's $1 price tag make it pitter patter a little faster?  I was SO excited to find this for only one buckaroo!  It will be a nice addition somewhere on the porch or in the flower beds.

Growing up, we had these same butterflies in our bathroom for umpteen years!  But they won't look like that when I get done with them, and they won't be in the bathroom.  The $1 luggage rack is also on the list for a makeover.

Vintage Christmas ornaments - $1 for all.  Nice, right?  My husband and I take turns each year deciding how our tree will be decorated and this year I had wanted to do an all vintage tree.  But this is the first stuff I've found in over a year that wasn't outrageously priced!  I don't know if I'll have enough collected to do it this year.   

Shirts and much needed summer sandals for my daughter - 1.50

Cozy Coupe (is that what they're called?) in great shape for $5, and a fun little Tonka
 toy for the Bubsters for $2.

 The Tonka toy has these little "sweeper" arms underneath that pick up small toys when you run over them and stows them in the middle compartment.  So cool!
  And we added new batteries and all the lights and sounds work like an annoying charm.

And last but not least, my husband needed a specific sized wrench and I found it for him for $2. 
From what I understand, this is about a $25 tool!

So, all in all today I spent $14.  I deem that a thrifty success.

Linking up to:


  1. We had the same butterflies. My mom painted them pink and I had them in my room when I was growing up.

  2. Great finds! Can't wait to see the transformations! Oh, and where did you research the wrench price? Is it just priced out from a hardware store? Just curious as I came into a whole bunch of them :)


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