
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Where Lil' Man Hangs His Spurs

Ok, so our printer decided to quit printing in color, so that puts one project on hold.  I'm waiting on the delivery of something for another project, so that's on hold for now.  And I've been lazy creatively processing another project.  SO......during this project intermission, I thought I'd show you a room in The "Farmhouse".  This is Kiddo #2's room, done in a cowboy motiff. 

I found this adorable sign at Hobby Lobby for $2.50, and it hangs on his door.

View from the doorway.
Some of you might remember the story about this bedding.  I bought the quilt on the wall when I was pregnant with Kiddo #1, before I even knew if it was a boy or a girl.  I found it in a quilt shop in a little town in NC when The Hubster was stationed at Lejeune.  I loved it and had to have it.  I knew I'd use it some day.  The first baby was a girl, so it got packed away for a few years.  Then along came our sweet boy.

So....I had a quilt, but now what?  Where do I find bedding to match?  I searched and searched for hours...days...and weeks.  Ebay, Craigslist, you name it, I searched it.  I didn't want the generic, cutsie, wanna-be, typical cowboy stuff that's out there.  (Remember, at the time, Hubsters was a real live cowboy, and we lived on a cattle ranch.  I wanted something more authentic.)  Then one day I came across that exact same quilt on Ebay.  I thought, "Wow, that's interesting.  Someone else with taste like mine."  But I never thought another thing about it.  Then 2 weeks later I came across the same quilt again.  This time I actually read the description and info. The seller had also used the quilt as a wall hanging in her son's nursery.  Then it hit me, "Well DUH!  Why not write to her and ask her what she used for bedding.  Maybe I can order the same set."  So I wrote her and she got back to me and said, "How weird that you asked me this question when you did.  Just last night I decided to sell the bedding set on Ebay.  I haven't even taken pictures of it yet."  So she sent me pics, I loved it, and I bought it from her.

The valance that came with the bedding set is humongo, so we hung it across both windows.  A thrifty little side note here, to buy a curtain rod big enough to span 109" would have cost us upwards of $40.  Hubsters wasn't up to helping me make our own (he's working full time and going to school at night), SO what's a thrifty girl to do?  I went to the Restore and found an old ugly brass one for $8, brought it home and gave it the spray paint treatment, only on each end since that's all that shows.  Voila.  Cheap and a lot easier than making my own.


This lamp has been in my husband's family for many years.  It was his uncle's when he was a boy (not sure where it came from before that) and then was his brother's as a boy.  When were dating/engaged we found it in his parent's attic, all dusty and gross.  We asked if we could have it for our house after we got married.  It was our first project we worked on together.  We refinished the wood part, repainted the metal spur to look aged, and put a new lamp shade on.

The little boots are authentic, and Bubs wore them a few times before he outgrew them,
and I've had that old crate for years.

 The furniture in this room was my daughter's when she was a baby and the red gingham fabric in the baskets is a little too bright for this room (in fact they almost look pink in these pictures).  My sister suggested tea staining them to darken them up.  It's a good idea, just one I haven't accomplished yet.

We've had this picture since we first got married. 

"Cowboy" - Embroidered on the changing pad cover (also from the Ebay seller).

 The door on the left is the door coming into the room, and the one on the right is the closet.  The black hat is The Hubster's, from our time on the ranch.

My Grandpa made this shelf for me, and he made the little wooden horse for my brother many years ago.  The little cowboy picture was a Goodwill find.

LOVE this little piggy bank!  : )

This basket also came from the same Ebay seller and has cute cowboy fabric. 

And the best part of the room?  Lil' Buckaroo himself, of course!

The problem with the room?  This lone window on the other side of the room.  I'm not sure what to do for a window treatment since the bedding set only came with the one valance.  How do I dress it without detracting from the valance on the other wall?  I don't want it to be plain, but I also don't want it to draw attention to itself.  

Any ideas?


  1. Love that sign, "Little Buckaroo"! Great work, Steph!

  2. A great room for a little guy! Lots of great details.

  3. Love your little cowboy's room, Stephanie. I would put a shelf over the other window instead of another curtain. Just make one that will be as wide as the window with the brackets mounted beside each side of the window facing and let the shelf " sit " just above the window. It is a very cute window treatment and can be as rustic as you like to blend with the theme of his room, then add the additional decor to set it off. A little greenery on one corner will add a fresh touch.


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